We operate under the belief that the evidence of God is all around us. When faced with such evidence, an individual has one of three options: accept it, disbelieve it/ignore it, or contest the interpretation of that evidence. However, there can be no mistake that the evidence does indeed exist.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I was asked the question: "God wouldn't send a good person like me to hell, would he?"

Yes, he most absolutely would.  You must understand that God instituted his law (Exodus 20:1-17) to show man how incapable they were to live a perfect life (Romans 3:20).  No person can hold up to the commandments of God.  We have all lied, even if a little white lie; we have all stolen, even if it's a pen or pencil; we have all lusted after another person at one time or another.  This makes us all lying, thieving adulterers at the very least.  The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23); this is a spiritual death, an eternal death, a punishment meted out in hell for all eternity.  If God did not pass judgement on our crimes, he would not be righteous or just.  There has to be a penalty for breaking the law, or why else would we have laws.  Every person alive has in them a moral compass telling them what is right, and what is wrong.  The bible teaches us that the moral compass comes from God (Romans 2:15).  Now why would we all have a compass of right and wrong if there weren't rewards for doing what is right, and consequences for doing what is wrong.  It just wouldn't make sense.  There has to be consequences for doing wrong, and it just does not matter how good of a person you are (Ephesians 2:8).  If you get a speeding ticket and go before the judge, he is still going to fine you for speeding, no matter how nice or good you are.  That is justice.  Now God did provide a way in which you would not have to pay the penalty for your sins.  He sent his only Son to die in our place, for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus has bought the right to dismiss our case from court (1 John 2:1-6).  If we would believe on him, repent of our sins, and accept him as the Lord of our lives, then Jesus would have your case thrown out of court because he already paid the price for our disobedience.

"God is a fair judge, a God who is angered by injustice every day."  Psalm 7:11


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