We operate under the belief that the evidence of God is all around us. When faced with such evidence, an individual has one of three options: accept it, disbelieve it/ignore it, or contest the interpretation of that evidence. However, there can be no mistake that the evidence does indeed exist.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Several Women have asked me: "Doesn't the Bible degrade women?"

First of all, let me state the obvious.  Something so obvious, it goes without saying, but, well, I'm going to say it anyway.  God loves His people (John 3:16).  All His people.  And since women are people, yes, that means He loves women too.  (Galatians 3:28)

Having said that, let's address why perhaps some women might feel as if the Bible is degrading to them.  Or perhaps makes them out to be less than men.  Probably the most commonly used basis for this is the first directive for women regarding their relationship with men.  In Genesis 2:18, when the creation of men and women is being described, the Lord says, "It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him."  Typically, women think that because God says that the woman will be a helper for the man, this means that she is in some way inferior to him.  However, the Hebrew word used here for help,ezer, is the same word used for God throughout the Old Testament.  (Specifically Exodus 18:4, Psalm 10:14, Psalm 20:2, Psalm 33:20, Psalm 70:5, Psalm 72:12-14, and Psalm 86:17)  Jehovah Ezer=The Lord our Help.  I'm pretty sure that if the Lord uses a word to describe Himself, it is not inferior in ANY way.  In fact, it actually means the kind of help that you would not be able to do without.  Picture someone with a broken leg trying to walk without the use of crutches.  The crutches are not just a "help" they are vital.  Since God says that man alone is not good, he NEEDS a helper.  He could not do it without us.  But notice that this verse is directed at man and wife, meaning that a married man has been given a helper suitable (appropriate, befitting, pertinent, proper, sufficient, useful) specifically for him.  It does not mean that all women are to be helpers to all men.  What it does mean is that when a man is married to a woman who is fulfilling her God given role as a necessary helper, He is on His way to fulfilling God's purpose for the both of them. 

Another commonly misunderstood section of Scripture is found in Ephesians chapter 5, where the passage says that  wives are to submit to their own husband and to respect him.  While this may seem demeaning to some, it has nothing to do with a woman's abilities.  The charge to be subject to your husband as a leader of the home is simply for purposes of order.  Just as a corporation can't have two CEOs, a house can't have two heads.  And since Ephesians 5:23 says that the man is the head of his wife, she for the sake of order, is to submit to his leadership.  Think of two vehicles on the highway, in two separate lanes, approaching a merge to one lane.  One of the vehicles is a small sedan and one is a semi truck.  One would think that the smaller car would naturally be the one to yield, but what if the truck happens to be 3 feet behind the car.  The fact that the truck is bigger and stronger has absolutely no consequence, because of it's position.  Just as a woman can be a very capable, strong, intelligent person, but because of her position, she will be the one to defer.  It might seem like she is getting a raw deal, but looking back just 2 verses, before any of the male/female specific directives are given, we are told to submit one to another.  Meaning that when two people are married, they are now partners, considering the needs of the other before their own.  When it is necessary in the course of typical events in marriage, for one to yield to the other, the woman is the one who will then submit to her husband's lead.  This creates not only order, but harmony.

One final concern is in a small number of stories in the Bible where women are treated with complete and utter disdain.  While these stories are disturbing, if you were to read them, you would see that in no way does God condone this behavior or mindset.  These are simply narratives being told as they happened.  Just as if I was to tell you an account of a bully on the playground, it doesn't mean I think bullying is okay, all I am is the messenger.  I will address some of these stories specifically in the future, so for now suffice it to say that God is on the side of the oppressed (Isaiah 61) and when a woman is mistreated, God is as (actually more) upset as we are.  

"A woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised." (Proverbs 31:30)


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